Sunday, August 24, 2008

SL Blog o.O Wha?

So this is my first SL Blog ever (Second Life Blog, for those who don't know). I was inspired to start it by my absolutely amazing room mate, Roxanne. That's her there to the left. If you ask me if she's wearing any bottoms, the answer is, "I don't know" You never know with Roxanne, that's her nature, just like my own ^_^

I don't know what kind of crazy things you'll find me writing about in my blog, but I'm sure they're gonna be pretty nutty most of the time. I'll probably come back and tell the story of how Phoenix lost the bumper cars some day, lol. I guess for now I'll just talk about what is at the center of my attention right now. My BFF, my twin, my room mate Roxanne, who I love very dearly!

I was just running around doing my own thing, a SL Noob, just learning the how tos of the world. I'd spend a lot of time in the strip club acting like an idiot, lol. I loved showing up and doing random things like getting drunk and passing out on the floor, telling jokes, and eventually famously wearing a banana suit XD. That's when Roxanne fly into my life. There she was ROFLing on the stage, being every bit of unusual as I was. Ever since then we've talked almost every day, and boy does that make me happy :D

I know it's hard to get this without knowing me, but I really feel like we're so much a like in so many ways. That's why we call eachother twins, while we don't have any true blood relation :) We're two like minded people in a world with no common mind set. She is photo crazy, and loves to take pictures anywhere and everywhere. She takes so many beautiful photos, it's hard not to get an "aww" effect out of them. Just like this one to the right that she took; amazing! I wanna get to taking more photos with Roxy, we haven't taken too many together, but the ones we have I really love. They all show something in common. They show that she loves me, and that's marvelous, cause I love her to death. No one else would have made a better room mate than Roxanne. Everything just falls in place with her. Life is simple. Simple things are fun, like this:

[15:41] Roxanne Parnall: i feel kinda sick
[15:41] You: maybe you need to take a poo
[15:41] You: lately when I feel sick
[15:41] You: it's cause I need to poo
[15:41] Roxanne Parnall: LMFAO
[15:41] Roxanne Parnall: hahahahahaha

Other people just don't usually get it, but she does. Roxy spends a lot of time with me, and has a really great, lets go have fun attitude. She makes me feel really special at every turn just by being her. How could I not feel special when I get to spend time with Roxanne? She took my hand and lifted me out of a dark hole in my life, and she continues to be here with me day after day. My heart was filled with cold and dark feelings for the whole world before I met Roxanne, and now I feel warmth and love that I haven't felt in over 2 years. I love Roxanne!

1 comment:

Roxanne ♥ said...

OMFG! That was possibly the sweetest post on ALL 9 PLANETS! (Or so I think there's 9...?!) I'm so happy you finally made a blog... You are a wonderful man and I couldn't have asked for a better friend.. you were so unexpected and for that you mean the world to me. :) Shizzz! I LOVE YOU MY BFF! now we have to make sean get one but of course he wont because hes a SUCCUBUS and likes to suck the fun out of everything but we love him anyway. I'll stop blabbling now. I love you John, you are the best roomate evar! <3 xo